The Mahakumbh has witnessed over 15 crore pilgrims taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam in the past 17 days, according to Uttar Pradesh government. On the Mauni Amavasya, around 10 crore devotees were expected to visit the ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. To ensure hassle-free travel for the pilgrims, the Indian railway had drawn an elaborated plan ahead of Amrit Snan.
As Per the railway Board chairman and chief executive officer “they had carefully planned everything as they learned from their 13-14 January experience. 60 special trains in addition to pre-decided number were running, 190 special trains were plying, as usual 110 regular trains were running on that route and trains were made available every 4 minute from Prayagraj”. Officers and railway staff were deployed and on alert, every minute alert was updated, as 10 crore devotees were expected.
UP government also intensified security for Mauni Amavasya. With deployment of personnel at every nook and turns and installation of AI powered CCTV cameras and drones keeping eye on the Mela area, spread over several hectares along the Triveni Sangam, security measures had reached unpredictable levels for the day.
The state government had also planned a flower petals shower from helicopters to mark the auspicious occasion of “Mauni Amavasya”. The Amrit Snan is the grandest and most sacred ritual of Maha Kumbh Mela, that attracts millions of Pilgrims from around the world to the banks of the Triveni Sangam.
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