Start learning Thai with our beginner classes. Enroll today!
Thai is the national language of Thailand. It is the native language of both Thai and Thai Chinese people, learning Thai makes a richer experience in terms of exposure and immersion into Thailand's fascinating culture and local life. A safe way of harnessing resources for the opportunities that comes one's way.
The Thai alphabet is often referred to as 'abugida.' It is amazing because it reflects the culture of Thailand. Unlike the Roman alphabet learners are overfree with, Thai have a unique structure and form when it comes to writing and displaying words. Learning Thai does not means just keeping up with words and phrases; it entails learning culture, history, and traditions. Learning this language will uncover possibilities to travel to Thailand, to taste its delicious cuisine, and to be closer to the heart of the warm Thai peoples.
In the past several years, Thailand was at the top among the tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Its culture speciality coupled with the relaxing atmosphere could not be beaten by any other places when it comes to vacationing. Simultenously, because of the language barrier, tourists and backpackers from abroad often face problems in getting around this country. Such friendly Thai people sometimes do not speak English as much. It would no harm to learn some basic Thai before setting out on your travel to avoid losing oneself entirely the next time one goes to Thailand.
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